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When you meet someone for the first time you never know how much that person will enrich your life. The first time I met Grace was when she walked into Ontario Heartland’s rehearsal room during a guest night we were having, in the hope of adding new voices to our chorus.
At the end of the evening, as she was leaving, I asked if she would be coming back. The following week, her sister Monica showed up instead! She told me Grace sent her to tell me she would be back in two weeks (though we wouldn’t find out they were sisters 'til several months later).
Et voila, I personally became the beneficiary of the two best friends I’ve had in my history with Sweet Adelines. Our chorus would revel in the fact that with the addition of those lady’s beautiful voices, for twenty-plus years we also got to enjoy warm-ups to Calypso music!
Our Grace was always one of those members who stepped forward to take on the more arduous chorus tasks: fundraising, costumes, competition coordinator, or any project nobody really wanted.
Now that God has called Grace home, we take comfort in the belief that she and Monica are reunited and enjoying those heavenly harmonies.
Rita, retired member, on behalf of The Heartland Singers